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When will it be possible to apply for registration in Kyiv via the Internet?

Registration, its registration and replacement often takes a lot of time for residents of large cities. Long queues, lists of documents and long waits for all paperwork to be completed do not fit into the modern rhythm of life in Kyiv or another metropolis. As you know, many countries take advantage of modern technologies to solve such problems. For example, registration can be issued via the Internet. Of course, a person will still need to come to a government office to get a stamp in their passport. But this process does not imply endless queues and “footballing” from office to office.

What is the process of registering online?

You can register for an apartment or house on the state portal. Information about their location on the network is posted in passport offices. In order for your registration to be ready faster, you need to:

  1. Register in the portal.
  2. Log in to your “Personal Account”.
  3. Select the required service.
  4. Fill in the information fields.
  5. Confirm the service order.

After all actions have been completed, the application is processed. You can check the status of your application in your personal account. After a few days you receive a response from the passport office. If it is positive, you must come to the institution in person with the original documents specified in your application. After this, the passport office staff will put a stamp and registration in your pocket.

The process looks quite simple and organized. This format saves time for citizens and government employees. If permanent or temporary registration in Kyiv via the Internet becomes a reality, many issues with documents will be resolved much faster, writes zigma.com.ua.

Is registration of this format possible in Kyiv?

At this stage of development of administrative services, registration of registration in the capital does not provide for an online mode. But experts say that this format is also possible in Kyiv. Experts emphasize that improving the system will have undoubted advantages:

  • Registration in an accelerated manner;
  • Reducing the flow of citizens into government services;
  • Creation of a unified information space;
  • Unloading passport offices;
  • Improving the quality of services provided.

The benefits of such changes are obvious. Of course, new investments will be required to create a reliable electronic “Propiska” system and train passport office workers. But on the other hand, simplifying the process promises new opportunities and a transition to a higher level of providing services to the population. We hope that this format will be available in the capital of Ukraine in the near future.

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