Work\Study abroad

Studying in Greece: “lifehacks” and nice bonuses

Greece is the European country with the most favorable laws regarding foreign students. In this country, a foreigner can enroll in studies even without a language certificate, paying only for the first language year from 500 to 700 euros, and even then not in all cities. You will definitely have to spend money only on a visa, which costs 80 euros, and deposit 4,800 euros into a bank account to confirm your own solvency. That, in fact, is all the expenses.

Studying in Greece: “lifehacks” and nice bonuses -

In addition to a very simple admission algorithm, Greece offers foreign students a number of bonuses in the form of financial assistance and benefits. We will talk about the types of these benefits and how to obtain them.

As already noted, the educational process in Greece is absolutely free. The student does not pay for attending lectures, for depreciation of textbooks, or for using the library. A foreign student also does not pay for health insurance, which costs other categories of the population 130 euros annually. The student simply renews it every year at the dean’s office. In addition, based on this insurance, you can obtain a temporary residence permit.

An international student can also qualify for free meals. To do this, however, you will have to write an application to the dean’s office, attaching a certificate of family income.

The situation with dormitories is somewhat more complicated – there are chronically not enough of them. An application for a hostel must also be submitted to the dean’s office, attaching a certificate of family income, but in practice this scenario works very poorly. There is a more effective way: inquire about the availability of free places directly in the dormitories, and, if there are any, apply directly there. In this case, however, the applicant will also have to prove that he is a student, but this will allow him to get a room almost immediately.

You can also try to apply for a grant, but the chances of success for a junior student are, frankly speaking, slim. Grants are, as a rule, the prerogative of those who are already entering the master’s program.

Students in Greece also enjoy preferential transportation, paying only half the fare. To register, just get a student ID and buy a travel document with it. Also, very often cinemas and shops make special offers for students, but this, of course, is a private initiative.

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