Migration law

Trump’s immigration order: continuing the story

The United States Supreme Court has decided to temporarily lift restrictions on the implementation of Donald Trump’s immigration order. Let us remember that the ban was previously introduced by a court decision in Honolulu.

Trump's immigration order: continuing the story - gram-news.com.ua

According to Justice Anthony Kennedy, a clause in the Court of Appeal decision was overturned, according to which the government was prohibited from denying entry to foreigners who either have official letters of guarantee from the relevant departments or those who are listed in the program for the support and reception of refugees. The appeals court, which took place on September 8, upheld the restrictions previously imposed by the court in Honolulu. In addition, as a result of the appeal, the decision was not revised to allow foreigners to enter the United States whose visit had already been approved by the relevant authorities at the time the decree was issued.

Let us remind you that the new immigration decree of the US President came into force on June 29. In accordance with the document, entry into the territory of the United States is prohibited for citizens of six countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The only exceptions can be citizens who have close relatives in the United States.

Tightening immigration policy is a general trend that can be traced in the actions of the US Presidential Administration for at least six months. This is, among other things, evidenced by documents recently released by the Department of Homeland Security. These documents minimize the list of exceptions in matters of deportation and expand the list of grounds for mandatory deportation. For example, if previously illegal immigrants who had not reached the age of majority could study in the United States, and they were given the right to subsequently legalize their position in the country, now they have lost this opportunity. The only exceptions will be those children of migrants who were already included in the list of exceptions in accordance with the previous edition of the rules.

In addition, the documents indicate the recruitment of five thousand new agents who will facilitate the speedy deportation of illegal immigrants. We are talking about land border control agents and air and sea border protection.

According to official data, today there are about 11 million foreigners living in the United States illegally in the United States.

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