Legal services

Labor law of Ukraine. Legal services

Unfortunately, in labor law, the rights of workers are often violated by employers. Often, labor relations are initially built outside a certain, from the point of view of legislation, plane:

  • not beloved by employers, official employment;
  • low official wages (in most cases, wages are given in envelopes as a bonus).
Labor law of Ukraine. Legal services -

Taking into account the rather difficult and unstable situation in the country, workers are sometimes forced to agree to such conditions, because there is no other way out. But if you look at this whole situation from a different angle, then by accepting the “wishes” of the employer, you also refuse legal protection.

Sometimes, some get hooked due to legal ignorance. The international law company Zigma will help you understand all complex issues of labor law. We offer a full range of services to protect your rights.

By contacting Zigma, you will receive professional legal advice and support:

  1. When applying for a job;
  2. Salary agreements;
  3. Upon dismissal;
  4. When paying compensation in connection with an industrial injury or mutilation;
  5. When paying off arrears of wages, compensation, etc.

Zigma provides its clients with competent legal assistance to resolve labor disputes and conflicts that arise between an employee and an employer. We will answer all your questions:

  1. When and who issues a job order? From what moment are entries entered into the work book?
  2. Probation period – what is it? Are employment relationships formalized during a trial period?
  3. What is a contract or employment agreement? What is the difference between them? What points should be included in them?
  4. Dismissal. Grounds for dismissal.
  5. Overtime pay.

It just so happens that people seek legal help when they have already been fired, have not been paid wages, have been forcibly transferred to another job, or have been subject to a disciplinary or financial penalty.

To prevent troubles, it would be right to contact lawyers at the first stages of cooperation.

Lawyers of the international company Zigma are ready to provide you with a full analysis of the facts of violation of rights and their evidence base, and to identify all possible ways to resolve the conflict. We understand perfectly well that the owners of a company or enterprise are ready to infringe on your rights just to avoid additional taxes. And you become a hostage to the situation and a “profitable employee.” Zigma lawyers will provide you with qualified assistance and support in difficult situations.

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