Legal servicesMigration law

How to extend a residence permit in Ukraine

When a foreigner needs to stay on the territory of a state for a year or more, it is necessary to think about obtaining a document such as a residence permit.

There are two types of such permits in our state: permanent and temporary residence permits. The validity period of a permanent residence permit is, accordingly, unlimited, but a temporary residence permit has a certain validity period. The last document is issued for 1 year, but if there are compelling reasons, the permit can be extended.

Grounds for extending the validity of a residence permit

Obtaining a temporary residence permit is not so easy, but if you need to renew this document, the procedure will be repeated exactly. You will have to submit a similar package of documents to the migration service 15 days before the expiration of the previous residence permit.

The main reasons for extending a residence permit in Ukraine may be:

  1. illness of a foreigner or his close relative (pregnancy and childbirth are also considered), which is confirmed by a certificate from a state medical institution;
  2. the need to stay in the country for
  3. registration of inheritance;
  4. natural disaster or other
  5. an emergency in the immigrant’s home country;
  6. the need to continue staying in the state due to the preparation of documents for a residence permit or citizenship in Ukraine.
temporary residence permit in Ukraine

When preparing documents for DMSU, you should once again pay attention to the list of required papers. To extend the right of residence in Ukraine, you must submit:

  • 4 standard size photographs;
  • passport translation certified by
  • notarial procedure;
  • application by immigrant and host
  • (a copy of the passport and documents for housing of the host party is also submitted);
  • a document proving compelling reasons for continued stay in Ukraine.

Legal support of the procedure

If you are going to renew your residence permit yourself, you should stock up on a good amount of nerves and time, since the procedure for obtaining and renewing a residence permit is equally difficult. But there is a way to do everything quickly and correctly: you just need to contact the Zigma company. We will advise you on all topics related to the case, we will solve difficult problems

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