
A police clearance certificate can now be issued online

A certificate of no criminal record can now be obtained 24/7. A similar service is provided by service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Department of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Citizens need this certificate to obtain a passport to travel abroad, restore a lost passport, obtain citizenship, when establishing guardianship, applying for a job, and for many other reasons.

A police clearance certificate can now be issued online - gram-news.com.ua

According to Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, previously obtaining a police clearance certificate was associated with corruption and other violations, but the online service will make this public service as transparent as possible. In addition, the “throughput” of service centers will increase. This is especially relevant in light of the fact that about 800 thousand applications for a certificate are submitted annually. Now it will be possible to issue the necessary document in two clicks – all that remains is to wait for the notification about the readiness of the document, which will be sent to the applicant by email.

The State Agency for Electronic Government of Ukraine helped the Ministry of Internal Affairs to launch the electronic service with the support of the EGAP program, which is funded by the Swiss Confederation.

To order a certificate online:

  • go to hsc.gov.ua or mvs.gov.ua;
  • register via BankID or electronic digital signature;
  • fill out the form and indicate in it the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where it will be most convenient for you to pick up the completed certificate;
  • wait for an email about the readiness of the document or check its status online at the specified addresses;
  • obtain a completed certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs service center that you selected earlier.

In addition to these cases, a certificate of good conduct must be issued to all tender participants, so now about 200 thousand participants in public procurement who apply for a certificate every year will be able to do this online – they will only need a digital electronic signature.

Let us remind you that you can issue a certificate of no criminal record at the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from February 1 of this year. This innovation has significantly expanded the possible geography of receiving this public service by citizens. In addition, there is a single telephone hotline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where you can get professional advice. A similar service is provided on the official page of the Main Service Center on Facebook.

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